Some Advice When Going the Distance

Some Advice When Going the Distance


I have been considering going back to school over the past few months. For what exactly, I’m not sure. That doesn’t matter. What does matter is where I decide to go to school. There are a handful of colleges in my area that I could choose from, but I also thought about taking online courses from an out-of-state university. The idea of online courses seems appealing and convenient, but I’ve learned from previous college experience that they require the same amount of time and dedication as on-campus courses.

Karleia Steiner, a blogger for StudentAdvisor’s online blog, recently wrote an article that contained several tips for adult students who are taking online courses. Here’s a few of the tips:

  • Use any interactive tools provided
  • Connect with your courses peers
  • Stay organized

Check out the full article to see the other tips by clicking the title, 7 Online Study Tips for Adult Students.

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