7 Key Habits of Super Networkers

7 Key Habits of Super Networkers

Recently featured on Entrepreneur.com, key networking points we should all implement are broken down by Lewis Howes.  Here is the short list:

  1. Ask insightful questions. Get the details for future reference.
  2. Add value. Identify ways to help and take action.
  3. Learn their “story.” Learn how they got where they are.
  4. Share a memorable fact. Don’t use a canned elevator speech – make it personal.
  5. Keep a list. Writing down important things keeps them from falling through the cracks.
  6. Make small promises and keep them. Return call or email builds reputation for trustworthiness.
  7. Reward “power” contacts. Do something each week to add value to your top 5 or 10 networking partners.

To learn more about these simple steps and review the entire article with suggestions, click here.